Katrina Widener Coaching

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Book Review: Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration

Guess what? A large percentage of the thoughts that run through our brains are lies. Thoughts about ourselves (I'm not good enough, I need to lose weight, I'm clumsy/lazy/etc.), thoughts about other people (she's judging me, he is angry at me, they didn't invite me because they don't like me), and thoughts about the world overall (it's hard to make money, good grades are how you tell if you're smart). 

So how do you combat this? How do you bring to the surface the lies you've been told (and still believe)? Self-exploration. Whether it's rethinking how you view others or yourself, digging into your own subconscious and asking yourself the hard questions are how you expand your mind and stop telling yourself lies.

One of my favorite ways to poke and prod at my own beliefs is through journaling, and especially prompted journaling. My #1 right now? Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by Meera Lee Patel. Not only is this book full of insightful questions, exercises, and prompts to force you to think outside your comfort zone, but each page is flanked by a gorgeous watercolor illustration of an inspiring quote as well.

An example? One page asks you to sit down and reflect on one of the most difficult experiences you've endured -- and then write a lesson you learned from it. The accompanying page shows a beautiful watercolor of the night sky filled with stars and the words "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." by Martin Luther King Jr.

I chose to spend the moments before bed each night digging into this journal, but you can choose to tackle it however you please. The main point is that you devote some of your time every day to growing, evolving, and rerouting how your mind works.

What is the biggest lie you tell yourself? I think mine is that hard work is the only way to earn money. Share yours with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/

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