Should I Barter My Services?
When you exist in the entrepreneur world, there are often a lot of services you need: social media management, search engine optimization, branding photos, business coach, marketing assistance, accountants, financial planners, virtual assistants, etc. And I can almost guarantee that if you offer one of these many services, you will be asked to barter. Social media for coaching? Photographs for accounting?
So the question arises: Should I barter my services? And if so, when?
Why Your Potential Clients Are Ghosting You
We’ve all had it happen. The seemingly perfect client pops up, we feel an amazing connection, and just know that we’re going to work together….and then we never hear from them again. It’s incredibly frustrating, and makes us feel like we’re wasting our time. We ask ourselves — why, why — aren’t they working with us? Everything seemed so perfect! We were ready to get started! Where did they go, and why?
Well, let’s take a look at some of the most popular reasons why our service-based clients may walk away and never look back.
Top 5 Lessons I’ve Learned While Running My Business
Whenever I get asked about my experience as an entrepreneur (whether it’s in a podcast interview or a simple conversation with a friend), one of the top questions that comes up is “What lessons have you learned?”
Generally, it’s from a place of curiosity, connection, and honestly, a desire to avoid these lessons themselves. So I figured these lessons would be helpful to share with all of you as well so you can hopefully learn from my mistakes. Just because I’m a coach doesn’t mean I’m perfect (no one is!) so I learn and adapt, edit and adjust just like everyone else.
How I Tackle Business Planning and Goal Setting
So. Let’s talk about traditional business planning. Whether it’s the beginning of the New Year, the start of your business, or simply a point where you need clarity on what’s coming up next, having a way to set goals and work “on” instead of “in” your business is imperative. In my experience, I’ve found that while we all want to take our dreams to the next level, we’re often stumped on how to do it. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how I do business planning and goal setting each year as an entrepreneur.
Business Anniversary Recap: Year One
So in full disclosure, this recap is inspired by Paige Brunton’s annual post that goes over what she made, what worked out for her, and what didn’t. I love the transparency she shows — it’s such an amazing resource for other entrepreneurs! This year I’ve decided to really showcase what goes on behind-the-scenes so everyone (including me!) gets to learn from my challenges and my wins. Here we go!
How to Provide the Best-Ever Customer Experience
I firmly believe that the success of a business is built on a foundation of amazing customer experience. You can have the best product, the most amazing marketing team, or the most beautiful website, but if your client doesn’t have a pleasant experience while they’re working with you, it doesn’t matter. They won’t come back.
One of the easiest ways to provide for your clients is to go over and beyond with your customer experience. Instead of providing a good experience, how can you absolutely wow them? How can you make them feel like they’re completely cared for? How can you eliminate any obstacle that is in their way of purchasing your product?
How to Sell Yourself Like a Pro
There is only one truly key item you need in order to run a successful business: the ability to get your product in front of your customers and sell it to them. But selling yourself, your products, or your services doesn’t always come naturally. So how do we train our brains to know how to do this without sounding awkward, without feeling pushy, and without turning the customer off? Follow these easy steps to find out!
Adding Authenticity to Your Business
Okay, I know authenticity is a controversial word in the entrepreneurial world. Some people absolutely hate it, while others talk about it incessantly. But I think it's one of the most important parts of running your business, so let's break it down and talk about why.