The Road of Resistance
When we think of the hurtles in front of us before starting our businesses, things like stability, self-doubt, and isolation pop up. But how often do we truly face the truth and think of the biggest roadblock of all: internal resistance. I'm talking procrastination, excuse-making, distractions, the whole nine yards.
Finding Your Community
One of the biggest ways to "up-level" your business (such a popular term right now!) is to surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Having that community to rely on, to bounce ideas off of, to get recommendations and encouragement from -- it's an invaluable resource for your business.
The Importance of Finding Your Niche
So you've decided to start your business. That's awesome! But have you really gotten into depth about who your clientele is? Sure, it may seem limiting to well, limit your focus to a couple specific traits. But in reality, it's incredibly freeing to only have to focus on one type of client. Here are some reasons why...
The Truth About Good Goal Making
It's January! The start of a new year, and undoubtedly new resolutions. Instead of sticking with the regular 12-month goals, this year get inspired by daily, weekly, or monthly goals instead.
The Myth of Self Doubt
Let's take a moment and talk about one of the biggest (and most foolish) secrets that entrepreneurs deal with every day. Everyone is fighting the voice inside their head telling them they're not good enough.
How to Know When to Quit Your Job
As many people know, I've spent many years in the professional realm as a marketing specialist and social media manager. So how did I know when it was the perfect time to close up shop and make my passion a reality? Find out three of my top hints for knowing it was the right time to quit my job, and how to tell when it's time for you to move on.
The #1 Reason Why People Don't Achieve Their Goals
If there's one thing I've learned since making the decision to switch careers and achieve my dreams, it's this: you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone.
How to Love Someone Who Is Being Coached
When you make the decision to hire a life coach, you're deciding to actually make a change instead of just thinking about it. It's a commitment that requires stepping out of your comfort zone, and the truth is, that's scary! Here's some advice for how to best support a loved one who is going through this transition period.