5 Myths About Working with a Life Coach
If you’ve found your way here, then you probably know what a life coach is. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still a fairly new profession in the world. Learn these top life coach myths and why they’re so important to understand!
Adding Authenticity to Your Business
Okay, I know authenticity is a controversial word in the entrepreneurial world. Some people absolutely hate it, while others talk about it incessantly. But I think it's one of the most important parts of running your business, so let's break it down and talk about why.
Why Mentoring And Coaching Is Important
If you read a lot of personal development books, or follow blogs, or listen to podcasts, you'll hear mentoring being brought up a lot. So let's answer the question: Why is mentoring so important to your personal development?
Success Without Struggle
When I was a kid, I believed in Santa Claus. I believed in the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. I thought that there were pots of gold and leprechauns at the end of rainbows. And I thought that you could only be successful through struggle.
I was wrong on all accounts.
What Is a Life Coach?
The biggest questions I hear when I talk about my professional coaching life fall in two categories: “What is life coaching?” and “Should I see a life coach or a therapist?”
My Journey with Self Care
Just over a year ago, I was at one of the lowest points I've experienced in my life. I was living a life where I was unhappy every day, and now I look forward to what my days will bring.
25+ Tips for Long-Lasting Self Care
We've all seen the lists of 40+ ways to take care of yourself in the moment. They're extensive, but usually only short-lived ideas like taking a bath or buying flowers. Here's my list of top long-lasting ways to take care of yourself
Self Care Rules To Live By
Self care is a topic I'm passionate about. It's something that I devote a significant part of my business and platforms to speaking on, and it definitely is a concept that needs to become more prominent in today's world. Very rarely does our culture, our corporate structure, or our personal lives put any importance on building a life of balance. But it's so, so necessary! These three rules are how I keep myself in check -- try them in your life, too!