Creating a Quiz for Email Lead Generation
While social media and networking are amazing ways to gain visibility for your business, the newsletter is the unsung hero of marketing. There is only one way to control getting your information directly in the hands of your audience, and that’s through regular communication. While Facebook and Instagram are owned by outside parties, you’ll never lose control of your email list.
25+ Photography Tips for Entrepreneurs
When you’re constantly scrambling for new client leads, Instagram posts, website copy, and everything else an entrepreneur has on their to-do list, photography can often fall to the wayside. BUT it’s one of the most important marketing tools at your disposal! Today we’re sharing over 25 actionable tips from pro photographers you can use to get high-quality photos for your website in no time.
Most Common Instagram Mistakes
One of the biggest ways to market yourself in today's world is social media -- Instagram in particular. Everyone knows the feeling when it shows you have a new follower, like, or comment. So what are those things keeping you from getting as many hearts as you're hoping for? Here are some of the top mistakes I see on Instagram every day.