Life Coach Katrina Widener Life Coach Katrina Widener

How to Love Someone Who Is Being Coached

When you make the decision to hire a life coach, you're deciding to actually make a change instead of just thinking about it. It's a commitment that requires stepping out of your comfort zone, and the truth is, that's scary! Here's some advice for how to best support a loved one who is going through this transition period.

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Marketing Tips Katrina Widener Marketing Tips Katrina Widener

Most Common Instagram Mistakes

One of the biggest ways to market yourself in today's world is social media -- Instagram in particular. Everyone knows the feeling when it shows you have a new follower, like, or comment. So what are those things keeping you from getting as many hearts as you're hoping for? Here are some of the top mistakes I see on Instagram every day.

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Life Coach Katrina Widener Life Coach Katrina Widener

Learning to Trust Yourself

One of the hardest parts of straying from the path everyone else is on is the fact that they’re just as terrified of you doing your own thing as you are. And often times, they’ll try to push you back into the crowd as a way of looking out for you...

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